How to present wedding rings?
On the wedding day, everything should be especially solemn and charming, so that the holiday…

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What is going out when autumn comes?
Autumn in Ukraine promises to be warm, and looking at world podiums it becomes clear…

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Jewelry news, ring sets and fresh summer fashion trends
Rings are one of the most common jewelry with a romantic and ancient history. This…


Indian wedding magic or everyone has their own quirks
The wedding traditions of western countries are almost the same, while Asia continues to amaze…

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The golden history of the working class: how could we not be without pants
Nowadays, gold has become an indispensable attribute of luxury, and an indicator of belonging to…


great honor

Jeweler, or the divinity of the profession

Every profession should be held in high esteem. This specialty has always had a special status, the most ancient and mysterious sphere of labor – jewelry craft. What are the features of this profession? How and why did it arise? Why is the jewelry specialty held in high esteem for hundreds of thousands of years?

To be a jeweler, you need to combine the creativity and practicality of the exact sciences. Working with precious materials, you must have knowledge in mathematics and chemistry. Also, it is important to be able to think extraordinarily in order to create beautiful jewelry. It is noteworthy that people with fragile nerves are not taken to this profession. Continue reading

Who is now throwing the engagement rings?
The engagement rings of any design and cost tend to be solemnly offered, or plummeting…


Actual pendants from ancient excavations
Pendant is not only a unit of measurement of electric charge, but also a stylish…


The duality of unity. Set rings and historical trends
Much has already been said about ring sets. Now they can be seen on the…
