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Jeweler, or the divinity of the profession

Every profession should be held in high esteem. This specialty has always had a special status, the most ancient and mysterious sphere of labor – jewelry craft. What are the features of this profession? How and why did it arise? Why is the jewelry specialty held in high esteem for hundreds of thousands of years?

To be a jeweler, you need to combine the creativity and practicality of the exact sciences. Working with precious materials, you must have knowledge in mathematics and chemistry. Also, it is important to be able to think extraordinarily in order to create beautiful jewelry. It is noteworthy that people with fragile nerves are not taken to this profession.

Historians tend to believe that the forefather of jewelers arose with the advent of women to power. When matriarchy was established in primitive society, with it arose the requirement to make decorative ornaments. The rulers wanted to highlight and emphasize their status in society. To do this, you need jewelry, indicating the occupation and a place in the sun. So some of the enslaved men had to follow the instructions of their sovereigns, having started for art. This occupation was fascinating and very soon a wide variety of ladies’ jewelry appeared. Then they were made of bones, tusks, claws and horns of animals, shells, feathers, wood, and random roadside pebbles. Pretty soon, the men pressed the ladies off the ruling throne, borrowing from them not only royal powers, but also a handful of royal trinkets.

The discovery of copper and metalworking skills gave humanity a new era and many new adaptations. In addition to new tools and new weapons emerged.

The first jewelry made of gold was found by archaeologists in the tomb of Pharaoh Djoser. Discovered earrings, rings, bracelets and chest decorations were about 5,000 years old. As evidenced by the frescoes and chronicles, in those days people attached sacred importance to jewelry. It was believed that precious metals have a divine nature and magical properties. Decorations made from them were considered to be a kind of charms of diabolical forces. With the help of precious stones they also tried to cure mental and physical diseases. How successful this medicine was, one can only guess. But, the properties attributed to jewels reflected in the social role of jewelers. These specialists were highly esteemed and equated with magicians. Jewelry stores Kiev.

The real jewelry art originates in ancient Greece. Then the Greeks were considered the best jewelers. Their works were distinguished by high sophistication and skill. Many nations learned this craft from the Greek specialists, shifting their knowledge to their cultural traditions. So there was a lot of new techniques and styles. Arab and Scythian masters also had a good reputation. Later, Byzantium occupied the dominant role in jewelry art. In the west of Europe, the Mediterranean jewelers were famous for their skills; in the east, Kiev masters used great honor.

For a long time, precious metal jewelery was not supplemented with stones. This was due to the lack of necessary knowledge and skills. Luxury items were decorated only with ornaments. Later, they began to supplement the semi-precious stones. For example, in ancient Rome, emerald and sapphire were in great demand, in Greece – jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise, amethyst and carnelian, in China and Mexico, nephrite was popular.
For a long time, only government and clergymen wore precious jewelry. This was due to the incredible cost of materials and services of jewelers. The situation has changed Christopher Columbus. The conquest of America was the discovery of gold mines. Gold has ceased to be in short supply and has fallen significantly in price. Since then, even ordinary citizens could afford it. But this did not affect the east of Europe; the “golden bridge” did not reach that coast. The Russian emperor, Peter I, was able to rectify this situation. During his reign, he took up the development of the jewelry industry and created a professional guild of specialists.

In other matters, luxury items were distributed not only for public demonstrations. More ingeniously jewelers allowed complete freedom of their imagination. So, in the XVIII century, women’s underwear, decorated with precious stones. Garters for stockings, which were put on ankles, were especially attractive. According to rumors, one of the European privileged ladies had a passion for two things – men and garters for stockings decorated with precious stones. As a token of gratitude, she gave her lover one garter with a beautiful leg. This modest gift could provide the favorite with a rich and wild life for the rest of his days.

Not only gentlemen, but also ladies dreamed of such seductive jewelry. Wishes could become a reality very soon, thanks to the invention of rhinestones. This brilliant imitation of diamonds transformed the looks of the townspeople.

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