Diamond memory. Striking history of imperishability
Sometimes, it seems that there is nothing eternal or imperishable. Over time, all that was…

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Choosing earrings by type Kibby
The purchased dress has never been worn, and for the second year stylish brand-name trousers…

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Jewelry Facts
Every woman has favorite jewelry. Some ladies prefer expensive jewelry made of precious metals, others…


The duality of unity. Set rings and historical trends
Much has already been said about ring sets. Now they can be seen on the…

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Choker. Fashionable accessory with spicy undertones
This season, choker has become one of the most trendy decorations. This unusual accessory entered…


complemented by shimmering

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Choosing earrings by type Kibby

The purchased dress has never been worn, and for the second year stylish brand-name trousers are hanging in the closet idle … A situation familiar to many girls. Most often the reason is banal – the thing is not chosen according to external data. And if earlier it was necessary to turn to professional stylists for advice, now one can get acquainted with the art of typing thanks to publicly available information.

What does Kibby’s characters have to do with jewelry? Continue reading

How to combine rings with casual and elegant clothes

The rings, although they lost the ancient sacred meaning, can tell a lot about their owner. And it’s not about the quantity, size, modesty or flashiness, but how they emphasize or destroy the integrity of the image. Undoubtedly, compatibility with appearance, age, build is important. But since they still meet with us according to their clothes, you need to learn how to select these accessories for any wardrobe. A few simple tips will help to place the accents correctly, and to comprehend the subtleties of creating a stylish appearance. Continue reading

Scythian gold. Secrets of the ancient Slavs, or how did the jewelry industry develop?

The story is full of secrets and mysteries, many of them continue to be unanswered. The legacy of the ancestors gives only some hints, prompting new secrets. What are the graves of ancestors?

The idea of ​​the ancient world to modern people helped to form not only chronicles, but also household items of our predecessors. Especially many secrets to mankind revealed ancient jewelry. What information did these luxury items bring? How and when did jewelry originate? What is the modern jewelry industry of Ukraine? Continue reading

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What is going out when autumn comes?
Autumn in Ukraine promises to be warm, and looking at world podiums it becomes clear…


Diamond sparkle or invasion of privacy
A wedding without wedding rings is like the absence of a bride. The selection of…


Wedding ring, or wedding trends of the new spring
Wedding ring - a symbol of loyalty and eternal love. In the hearts of lovers,…
