Jeweler, or the divinity of the profession
Every profession should be held in high esteem. This specialty has always had a special…

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What is a diamond, use value in jewelry
Calling any cut diamond a diamond would be a mistake. As a consumer, you must…

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Gold as a material in the hands of a jeweler
Gold is a traditional material used by jewelers, as well as one of the few…


Gold pendants: fashionable style lessons
The onset of autumn has brought many new things. Innovation touched not only nature, but…

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Indian wedding magic or everyone has their own quirks
The wedding traditions of western countries are almost the same, while Asia continues to amaze…


medieval savagery

George Clooney and brilliant shine in Venetian reflection

Every wedding of any person can leave a noticeable mark on history. The marriages of kings influenced the course of world events, and the weddings of ordinary citizens became an important part of their own life changes. Weddings of world celebrities produce a special and bright surge in society. Even at their own weddings, the artists continue to be artists, turning their wedding into a sophisticated, shocking and exquisite show, carefully planned according to an immaculate scenario. Often after just such becomes the joint life of these couples. Continue reading

The duality of unity. Set rings and historical trends

Much has already been said about ring sets. Now they can be seen on the hands of fashionistas and on the fingers of the newlyweds. Mystical and romantic stories contributed to their appearance. How did these rings come about and what brought them into mass fashion?

Initially, the sets of rings were intended for weddings and engagements. As you know, these rings have a very similar design, although they do not have an absolute mirror similarity. This is quite a symbolic creative decision. Continue reading

What is going out when autumn comes?

Autumn in Ukraine promises to be warm, and looking at world podiums it becomes clear that it will also be colorful. This forecast can please and sadden, because many young ladies still do not know the answer to the question: what to wear on the street ?! Journalists easily solved this lady’s dilemma and headache of their gentlemen, having prepared the most informative article on the trends of the golden autumn. Continue reading

Jewelry news, ring sets and fresh summer fashion trends
Rings are one of the most common jewelry with a romantic and ancient history. This…


Jewelry Facts
Every woman has favorite jewelry. Some ladies prefer expensive jewelry made of precious metals, others…


Stylish neck jewelry: how to combine a necklace with clothes
Follow the fashion and show individuality is not always possible. Modern clothes are quite the…
