How to decide on which finger to wear a ring?
The ring should always be amazing and unique, as it is something very personal. Receiving…

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New daring autumn: how not to stay out of fashion?
Not only urban landscapes, but also the appearance of their inhabitants are gradually changing. Frivolous…

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What are the trends in jewelry
Fashion trends that designers have been tirelessly showing on Fashion Week catwalks are displayed not…


Indian wedding magic or everyone has their own quirks
The wedding traditions of western countries are almost the same, while Asia continues to amaze…

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Versatility of Ukrainian weddings or what is national unity?
Ukraine can safely be called a multinational country. In fact, there are not many indigenous…


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How to choose earrings?

The choice of a seemingly simple decoration should not be taken lightly. Well-chosen earrings can not only beautify the face, but also hide some of its flaws. Actually, any kinds of earrings can be not only gold, silver or platinum, but also can be made of various alloys. The most popular to this day are earrings made of gold. How to choose, and which earrings are best suited for one or another shape of the face, read on.

Types of gold earrings and face types. Continue reading

Топ-10 оригинальных и нетрадиционных обручальных колец
We live in the 21st century, when typicalness and simplicity always remain fashionable. But more…


How to choose gold earrings for little girls?
Who if not women know the whole essence of beauty and attractiveness. From a very…


Lucy in the sky with diamonds or the story of a wedding dress
Lucy in the sky with diamonds - a favorite image of a hippie, sung by…
