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Jewelry news, ring sets and fresh summer fashion trends

Rings are one of the most common jewelry with a romantic and ancient history. This accessory is preferred to wear both women and men. What was the original purpose of this decoration? What rings are in vogue hot summer? What innovations presented to the public masters of jewelry?

The rings began their history together with Homo sapiens – a type of modern man. Initially, our ancient ancestors were tied to the fingers of plant stems. This extravagant accessory originally served as an ornament, and afterwards, with the development of civilization and common responsibility, it became a symbol of romantic unity. Such herbal rings solemnly tied each other in love with couples, thereby giving a vow of eternal fidelity and a guarantee of unquestionable entry into a joint marriage.The Bronze Age was the first stage of world jewelry art. But, only privileged persons could afford rings made of metals and jewels, so the plebeians continued to knit the stalks of the plants with each other’s fingers.

As usual, jewelry was originally intended for none other than noble men. Rings and seals, adorned with engravings and stones, served as an indicator of status. Ring seals also performed the function of the family or state seal. Only in the Middle Ages, rings became an indispensable attribute of women’s furniture. The rings were assigned not only the state or decorative meaning, some of them had spiritual overtones. Thus, the medieval church interpreted the Irish Kladdaha rings as a symbol of love and loyalty to the Lord God, while the rest of humanity endowed the Kladdagh rings with a completely different meaning. Such an ornament hides a lot of romantic legends, so it still serves as a wedding ring for many lovers. Imagination excites unusual ring design. On his metal rim, there are two closed arms that support the heart, a crown majestically placed above it.

Such a jewelry triptych symbolizes love, loyalty and trust. These words are often engraved on the back of the Kladdahsky ring. According to one version, it was created by a jeweler named Richard Joyce. He fell into slavery and as a sign of loyalty to his free bride, Richard created such a ring. According to another legend, the author of the Kladdahsky ring is Death itself. Legend has it that one of the Irish monarchs hopelessly fell in love with a commoner. According to the rules, he had no right to marry her, so he decided to commit suicide. For an unknown medieval reason, the dead lover was buried with a torn heart, which he held in his hands.At the same time, rings like Kladdahsky were also found in ancient Rome, Greece and among representatives of Celtic culture. A similar historical ring continued its history, having come down to our days.

It was seen at the hands of celebrities such as Walt Disney, Winston Churchill, Jim Morrison (front man of the Doors) and many others.Ring Kladdah, also entered the fashion of the coming summer. Besides him, current trends have made up rings with a less dramatic history, but with a no less original design. The massive seal-rings that have recently dropped out of the fashion flow will return to the fashionistas’ fingers this summer. This trend could be clearly predicted by observing collections from Valentino, Nina Ricci, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Armani and many others. Especially relevant are bright and catchy signets, decorated with many gems, strict and bohemian rings with large shining diamonds. The most fashionable novelty of the precious summer of steel rings diamond sets.
They are a pair of concise, but very original and stylish rings, made in the same design. Rings sets are worn on one finger and look very impressive together. Thanks to its colorful but unobtrusive design, these rings perfectly harmonize with any outfit. They can be worn in combination with business, casual, or with evening dress. That is why, according to many fashionistas, it is worth having such an unusual decoration in your collection of jewels. Ring sets have become a favorite accessory for such famous ladies as Lady Dee, Angelina Jolie, Cameron Diaz, Taylor Swift and many others. According to many fashion-experts, ring sets this time came into fashion for a long time.

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