10 of the most unique jewelry in the world
The desire to emphasize their status and wealth pushes people to spend countless money on…

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Scythian gold. Secrets of the ancient Slavs, or how did the jewelry industry develop?
The story is full of secrets and mysteries, many of them continue to be unanswered.…

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The diamond story of the slutty Madonna or what does the pop queen prefer?
The popular singer Madonna is known not only for her outrageous shows, but also for…


Indian wedding magic or everyone has their own quirks
The wedding traditions of western countries are almost the same, while Asia continues to amaze…

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How to combine rings with casual and elegant clothes
The rings, although they lost the ancient sacred meaning, can tell a lot about their…


diamond placer

Scythian gold. Secrets of the ancient Slavs, or how did the jewelry industry develop?

The story is full of secrets and mysteries, many of them continue to be unanswered. The legacy of the ancestors gives only some hints, prompting new secrets. What are the graves of ancestors?

The idea of ​​the ancient world to modern people helped to form not only chronicles, but also household items of our predecessors. Especially many secrets to mankind revealed ancient jewelry. What information did these luxury items bring? How and when did jewelry originate? What is the modern jewelry industry of Ukraine? Continue reading

Original engagement and unusual rings. How to proceed to the wedding?

Stand on your knee and stretch the lady ring – a simple and non-original way, classic, ground in time. In spite of the nobility and beauty of this recognition, most people suffer to a new and unexpected way of presenting their intentions. Often the search for “something such” leads to a dead end. How to present his beloved ring and a proposal to marry? To help find the original solution, the creative team of the luxury salon Daimox has prepared a concise selection of the most original engagement of modernity.

Sausage, bitte or the beginning of a new life Continue reading

Few diamonds or what can last longer than eternity?

An unknown hero once said that nothing can last longer than eternity. But what is eternity? Is this unknown crank right? If something cannot last longer in relation to something, then probably eternity has its end. Probably, thinking about eternity, we subconsciously mean our life. Thus, there is something in the world that can last several eternities. The tears of the gods or the icicles of Hell, they saw much more than some stones and caves. What is this mysterious substance?

Diamonds are a unique creation of nature that has seen many faces and events. This jewel is passed on to descendants, and with each generation it becomes much more expensive and significant. Continue reading

How to combine rings with casual and elegant clothes
The rings, although they lost the ancient sacred meaning, can tell a lot about their…


How to combine rings with casual and elegant clothes
The rings, although they lost the ancient sacred meaning, can tell a lot about their…


New daring autumn: how not to stay out of fashion?
Not only urban landscapes, but also the appearance of their inhabitants are gradually changing. Frivolous…
