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Indian wedding magic or everyone has their own quirks

The wedding traditions of western countries are almost the same, while Asia continues to amaze with the diversity of its cultures. Their eccentric beliefs and distinctive rites are worthy of attention. One of the most intricate wedding traditions belong to India. What is so special about the Indian sacrament of marriage?

Until today, the Hindus continue to live according to the precepts of the Vedas. In the same ancient heritage, the process of marriage and the basic rules of living together are described in detail. True, in different regions they are interpreted slightly in their own way.

It is noteworthy that Hindus have the right to marry only once. Divorce and remarriage can sometimes be practiced only by people of lower caste who are not widely respected in society. The girl given in marriage should be virgin, otherwise she will not have to think about marriage, becoming despicable and persecuted. This attitude is associated with a peculiar allegory. In Indian culture, a woman is compared with a field, and a man with a field owner. If someone has already sowed land on the field, it may not later belong to another owner. All that grew on it belongs only to the first sower. So, according to the Indian worldview, the child from the second man will belong to the first. It is not very practical. Therefore, young people of higher caste try to treat their romantic hobbies more responsibly.

Wedding ritual consists of three stages. The beginning of the process is the engagement. It happens completely differently from Western culture. Instead of a shining diamond ring, there are several markings on the forehead. On the day of the engagement, all male relatives in the line of the bride go to the groom. Under the mantra performed by the priest, they put on the forehead of the groom tilak, and then give the guy gifts. This serves as a sign of approval. Relatives of the groom also pass their gifts to the future bride. On the same evening, the parents of the couple discuss the date of the wedding. Traditionally, all wedding expenses are covered by the bride’s side.

This is followed by a bachelorette party, in which there are relatives and girlfriends of the bride, as well as the female part of the groom’s family. So the bride says goodbye to her carefree past.

15 days before the wedding, a young couple, as well as her relatives, begin to pray to God Ganesh, so that nothing will be blocked in the sacrament of marriage. Indian wedding is full of a large variety of mystical rituals. The couple and her guests are found in a special tent built of cloth, palm branches and banana leaves. In its center is a ritual bonfire. Special requirements apply not only to the entertainment program of the event, but also to the appearance of the newlyweds. The wedding dress of the bride is a red sari. In some regions, a bride’s sari can be painted in burgundy, purple, orange, gold or green. The outfit is always complemented by a gold belt. The bride’s hairstyle has also been described in the ancient Vedas. Her hair should be smeared with aroma oils and braided. Vines of flowers are woven into it. The parting is painted in a red shade. Makeup girls is very simple, but throw. In the center of the forehead is depicted a red dot, which can be supplemented with white patches. White patterns are applied above the eyebrows. Henna patterns are drawn on her feet and hands. It is believed that the more distinct and darker these patterns will be, the stronger the marriage union will be. Although, in fact, the young wife has the right not to do housework until patterns disappear from her body. An important role is played by precious jewelry. In addition to weighty earrings, richly studded with precious stones, the bride’s costume should include a massive necklace, wide bracelets worn on forearms and leg bracelets with many small bells. A traditional metal ring is put on the thumb. Of course, beautiful wedding rings did not bypass Indian weddings either. But not only they serve as a symbol of unity. At their wedding, the newlyweds also exchange flower necklaces. The sign of a married woman is not only a ring, but also bracelets donated by her spouse on the wedding day.

The groom’s suit is less expensive. It consists of an elongated jacket, narrow trousers and a turban decorated with flowers or jewels. For this outfit, unusual shoes are also provided, with curved toes and beading.

The final stage of the wedding is the arrival of the newlyweds in the house of her spouse. There they are met by her husband’s sisters, who are pouring salt water for good luck, as well as his mother, who is pouring rice and coins from a jug. For a young wife, a pallet with red paint and a white canvas leading to the bedroom of the new spouses is pre-prepared. The bride should dip her feet in paint and walk on the white linen as a sign of a good life together.

Having become acquainted with such a ritual, the wedding traditions of the West no longer seem so strange and excessive.

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