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Puseta – carnation fashionable summer

New trends have already made the leading brands in the fashion world. Among the wide abundance of textures, colors and dresses an important place was taken by accessories. The most relevant adornment of the hot summer was a small shiny trifle, namely, the earrings of the studs. What is this piece of jewelry? What is the best way to combine it? What are the fashionables of the coming season?

In Eastern Europe, stud earrings have a different name. Thanks to the peculiarities of the clasp of this jewelry, it has received the popular nickname “carnations”. For the first time, medieval ladies began to “hammer studs” into their ears. Particularly popular were the studs at the beginning of the last century, firmly rooted in fashion. These earrings have become a necessary part of the toilet as noble ladies, and simple city dwellers. The images of modern secular divas also did not do without the pusets. Such earrings are worn by the noble Kate Middleton, the dramatic Amy Lee, the shocking Lady Gaga, the crazy Pink, the refined Vanessa Paradis and many others. Why do ladies with such different views and images prefer to wear the same earrings?

The reason lies in the versatility of this decoration. Carnation earrings perfectly harmonize with both casual casual and evening dresses. They are perfectly combined not only with feminine costumes, but also with emancipated business or military-diva images, rustic grunge, or country-style. Pusety is always very laconic and inconspicuous, but it becomes a real stud of fashionable image.

Especially for the new season, fashion designers have prepared a variety of collections, the outfits of which can suit absolutely every lady. Most of the images were complemented with unusual accessories combined with elegant pusets. Most successfully, these earrings were in harmony with the retro styles that dominated the summer catwalk. The most remarkable are the diamond studs from the fashion house Dior. However, other creators of the style also did not lag behind and prepared a wide selection of stud earrings for the beautiful ladies. Among them were the launchers in the form of butterflies, spiders, drops, squares, triangles and balls. Some earrings are distinguished by their stylish simplicity. They were made of white gold, silver, or platinum. The metal base was not decorated with precious stones. Earrings turned out to be more relevant, complemented by shimmering pebbles. Rubies, emeralds, sapphires and garnets were adorned on such ornaments. The most top trend of the summer is the studs, decorated with noble pearls and shining diamond. This unusual combination has attracted the attention of visitors of the show. No less impressive were the studs earrings, decorated with several diamonds, or one large, round cut.

Such simple, but at the same time unusual earrings are perfectly combined with any kind of jewelry. Puseta perfectly complement as an elegant chain with a pendant, and a massive necklace-maxi. Especially impressively, stud earrings look complete with a choker, which has also become a trendy novelty of the season.

Elegant Holidays worthy of Hollywood brilliance became available to residents of rebellious Ukraine, thanks to our salon Daimox. We have a wide range of stud earrings, which is regularly updated with new unique models.

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