Which ring will suit a real lady?
Jewelry rings made of gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals have been and remain…

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Diamond sparkle or invasion of privacy
A wedding without wedding rings is like the absence of a bride. The selection of…

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Alternative wedding. A bit dark romance on the bright celebration of life
Traditions sometimes turn into patterns. Predictability has long been known millennial customs makes the celebration…


Lucy in the sky with diamonds or the story of a wedding dress
Lucy in the sky with diamonds - a favorite image of a hippie, sung by…

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The diamond story of the slutty Madonna or what does the pop queen prefer?
The popular singer Madonna is known not only for her outrageous shows, but also for…


only rough

Jeweler, or the divinity of the profession

Every profession should be held in high esteem. This specialty has always had a special status, the most ancient and mysterious sphere of labor – jewelry craft. What are the features of this profession? How and why did it arise? Why is the jewelry specialty held in high esteem for hundreds of thousands of years?

To be a jeweler, you need to combine the creativity and practicality of the exact sciences. Working with precious materials, you must have knowledge in mathematics and chemistry. Also, it is important to be able to think extraordinarily in order to create beautiful jewelry. It is noteworthy that people with fragile nerves are not taken to this profession. Continue reading

The golden history of the working class: how could we not be without pants

Nowadays, gold has become an indispensable attribute of luxury, and an indicator of belonging to a higher society. Throughout the history of mankind, it has played a key role in history. The ancient Romans were convinced that the skin of the gods was covered with gold, but later somewhat changed their attitude to the yellow metal, making it a bargaining chip. It was the brilliance of gold that attracted the barbarians to themselves, provoking bloody wars, it was he who flickered on the hands of the newlyweds, creating their happy existence. What other stories are associated with this precious metal? Continue reading

Wedding ring, or wedding trends of the new spring
Wedding ring - a symbol of loyalty and eternal love. In the hearts of lovers,…


Choker. Fashionable accessory with spicy undertones
This season, choker has become one of the most trendy decorations. This unusual accessory entered…


How to choose wedding rings?
The first notes about wedding rings take their origins from ancient Egypt. Wedding rings in…
