Wedding ring, or wedding trends of the new spring
Wedding ring - a symbol of loyalty and eternal love. In the hearts of lovers,…

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Wedding traditions and new jewelry makers
Each culture has its own wedding traditions. Wedding ceremonies have received much attention, since this…

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Alternative wedding. A bit dark romance on the bright celebration of life
Traditions sometimes turn into patterns. Predictability has long been known millennial customs makes the celebration…


Alternative wedding. A bit dark romance on the bright celebration of life
Traditions sometimes turn into patterns. Predictability has long been known millennial customs makes the celebration…

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How to choose wedding rings?
The first notes about wedding rings take their origins from ancient Egypt. Wedding rings in…


store shelves

What is going out when autumn comes?

Autumn in Ukraine promises to be warm, and looking at world podiums it becomes clear that it will also be colorful. This forecast can please and sadden, because many young ladies still do not know the answer to the question: what to wear on the street ?! Journalists easily solved this lady’s dilemma and headache of their gentlemen, having prepared the most informative article on the trends of the golden autumn. Continue reading

How to decide on which finger to wear a ring?
The ring should always be amazing and unique, as it is something very personal. Receiving…


To help busy brides: how to choose jewelry
The image of the bride is unthinkable without ornaments. They are skillfully selected, as nothing…


10 of the most unique jewelry in the world
The desire to emphasize their status and wealth pushes people to spend countless money on…
