Pearls, or how much tears of angels?
“Pearls are always right,” said Coco Chanel, when her bold combinations of delicate pearls with…

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Топ-10 оригинальных и нетрадиционных обручальных колец
We live in the 21st century, when typicalness and simplicity always remain fashionable. But more…

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Few diamonds or what can last longer than eternity?
An unknown hero once said that nothing can last longer than eternity. But what is…


Puseta - carnation fashionable summer
New trends have already made the leading brands in the fashion world. Among the wide…

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How to choose gold earrings for little girls?
Who if not women know the whole essence of beauty and attractiveness. From a very…


extremely impressed

Alternative wedding. A bit dark romance on the bright celebration of life

Traditions sometimes turn into patterns. Predictability has long been known millennial customs makes the celebration boring and mundane. Those who go against the stream are really having fun! What weddings have now become popular? What alternative solution do modern newlyweds prefer? Read the most innovative solutions on the Daimox pages. Continue reading

10 of the most unique jewelry in the world

The desire to emphasize their status and wealth pushes people to spend countless money on their wardrobe, accessories and interior items. This allows jewelry makers to excel and not limit their imagination, creating luxurious, absurd and sometimes even perverted precious objects. Luxury – Daimox online jewelry store presents to its readers a selection of the most beautiful, reckless, noble and shocking ornaments of all world history.

Baby habits, or what will I do when I get rich?
Someone buys pens, studded with diamonds, others carry cigarettes in platinum packages. Continue reading

Original engagement and unusual rings. How to proceed to the wedding?
Stand on your knee and stretch the lady ring - a simple and non-original way,…


Jewelry news, ring sets and fresh summer fashion trends
Rings are one of the most common jewelry with a romantic and ancient history. This…


Brilliant - use in jewelry
A diamond is a gem that does not require a separate presentation. Not everyone had…
