How to combine rings with casual and elegant clothes
The rings, although they lost the ancient sacred meaning, can tell a lot about their…

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To help busy brides: how to choose jewelry
The image of the bride is unthinkable without ornaments. They are skillfully selected, as nothing…

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Alternative wedding. A bit dark romance on the bright celebration of life
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Jewelry Facts
Every woman has favorite jewelry. Some ladies prefer expensive jewelry made of precious metals, others…

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Versatility of Ukrainian weddings or what is national unity?
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Original engagement and unusual rings. How to proceed to the wedding?

Stand on your knee and stretch the lady ring – a simple and non-original way, classic, ground in time. In spite of the nobility and beauty of this recognition, most people suffer to a new and unexpected way of presenting their intentions. Often the search for “something such” leads to a dead end. How to present his beloved ring and a proposal to marry? To help find the original solution, the creative team of the luxury salon Daimox has prepared a concise selection of the most original engagement of modernity.

Sausage, bitte or the beginning of a new life

Despite the fact that sausages are rarely associated with a new life, in this case they laid the foundation for it. One German guy decided to admit in an original way his beloved girl’s intentions. For this, he persuaded friends. The lover invited his lady on a picnic in the Alps. Rising to the picturesque view, the couple was expected not only by a delicious barbecue with red wine, but also by a sign saying: “A place for barbecue and wedding offers”. The reaction of the young lady was celebrated with delicious snacks.

Picture from dreams
An artist from France did not leave a declaration of love without creativity. He drew for his beloved a comic strip with captions. On it was depicted he himself, standing on one knee with an engagement ring in his hand. In front of him stood a charming sweetheart. Signatures to the heroes of the comic were appropriate. Painted girl agreed. Having handed this picture to the lady, the artist said that he had dreamed this night, but he wants to see it in reality. So it happened.

Amorous Quest
The young lady from Norway did not wait long for an offer from her slow Finnish guy. The initiative and engagement rings were in her hands. Inventive Norwegian invited her lover to participate in her quest. Riddles and hidden objects were connected with the most favorite places of walks of this couple. In the last place the girl herself hid, taking with her an engagement ring and a sign saying: “Will you marry me?” The surprised fin came by surprise, giving an affirmative answer.

Love is stronger than zombies
A Canadian couple of horror movie fans began their life together, perhaps in the most original way. The guy brought his beloved to the picturesque forest edge. Once alone, he made her an offer, but the astonished girl did not have time to give an answer. A pair of zombies prevented. A bunch of the living dead surrounded the beloved, who began to flee. Attempts to fight off the zombies were unsuccessful. The pair was surrounded. Then, the girl finally gave her an affirmative answer.

The guy gave this unusual show with the help of his friends. Everything that happened was filmed by the photographer.

In the past for the sake of the future
A more romantic, but no less spectacular way was invented by a resident of Gothic London, whose beloved was an avid fan of W. Shakespeare. The guy rented a room in a restaurant located in the old substitute. Since the girl lived nearby, a carriage was sent for her. In place of her waited groom, who handed the lady a luxurious blue rose. Inside the flower was a refined engagement ring. Dinner was accompanied by a game of costumed orchestra.

What can you not decide for the sake of love? When writing your own way to offer a hand and heart, don’t forget the engagement rings that play a pivotal role in this touching tradition. In our jewelry store are presented engagement rings with diamonds for every taste.

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