How to choose wedding rings?
The first notes about wedding rings take their origins from ancient Egypt. Wedding rings in…

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Choosing earrings by type Kibby
The purchased dress has never been worn, and for the second year stylish brand-name trousers…

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Jeweler, or the divinity of the profession
Every profession should be held in high esteem. This specialty has always had a special…


Wedding ring, or wedding trends of the new spring
Wedding ring - a symbol of loyalty and eternal love. In the hearts of lovers,…

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Who is now throwing the engagement rings?
The engagement rings of any design and cost tend to be solemnly offered, or plummeting…


several rings

How to combine rings with casual and elegant clothes

The rings, although they lost the ancient sacred meaning, can tell a lot about their owner. And it’s not about the quantity, size, modesty or flashiness, but how they emphasize or destroy the integrity of the image. Undoubtedly, compatibility with appearance, age, build is important. But since they still meet with us according to their clothes, you need to learn how to select these accessories for any wardrobe. A few simple tips will help to place the accents correctly, and to comprehend the subtleties of creating a stylish appearance. Continue reading

How to combine rings with casual and elegant clothes
The rings, although they lost the ancient sacred meaning, can tell a lot about their…


To help busy brides: how to choose jewelry
The image of the bride is unthinkable without ornaments. They are skillfully selected, as nothing…


Alternative wedding. A bit dark romance on the bright celebration of life
Traditions sometimes turn into patterns. Predictability has long been known millennial customs makes the celebration…
