George Clooney and brilliant shine in Venetian reflection
Every wedding of any person can leave a noticeable mark on history. The marriages of…

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Brilliant - use in jewelry
A diamond is a gem that does not require a separate presentation. Not everyone had…

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How to present wedding rings?
On the wedding day, everything should be especially solemn and charming, so that the holiday…


Puseta - carnation fashionable summer
New trends have already made the leading brands in the fashion world. Among the wide…

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Who is now throwing the engagement rings?
The engagement rings of any design and cost tend to be solemnly offered, or plummeting…


high cost

New daring autumn: how not to stay out of fashion?

Not only urban landscapes, but also the appearance of their inhabitants are gradually changing. Frivolous summer dresses now lay on the far shelves, and their places were taken by massive sweaters and warm raglans. What decorations did the artists of the style have prepared for the cozy robes of the cold seasons? How to keep a bright image in the dark season? How to decorate your autumn-winter outfits? The most fashionable trends can be seen in the articles and catalogs of the Daimox brand! Continue reading

Scythian gold. Secrets of the ancient Slavs, or how did the jewelry industry develop?
The story is full of secrets and mysteries, many of them continue to be unanswered.…


Stylish neck jewelry: how to combine a necklace with clothes
Follow the fashion and show individuality is not always possible. Modern clothes are quite the…


The duality of unity. Set rings and historical trends
Much has already been said about ring sets. Now they can be seen on the…
