Pearls, or how much tears of angels?
“Pearls are always right,” said Coco Chanel, when her bold combinations of delicate pearls with…

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What is going out when autumn comes?
Autumn in Ukraine promises to be warm, and looking at world podiums it becomes clear…

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Топ-10 оригинальных и нетрадиционных обручальных колец
We live in the 21st century, when typicalness and simplicity always remain fashionable. But more…


George Clooney and brilliant shine in Venetian reflection
Every wedding of any person can leave a noticeable mark on history. The marriages of…

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The duality of unity. Set rings and historical trends
Much has already been said about ring sets. Now they can be seen on the…


history of pendants

Actual pendants from ancient excavations

Pendant is not only a unit of measurement of electric charge, but also a stylish decoration. During the existence of mankind, people have invented all sorts of forms, forms and concepts of this exquisite accessory. But modern designers still manage to please the public with fresh ideas. Actual trends in the jewelry industry have literally been dug from the depths of the past. It seems that the designers made their sketches in historical museums. What do fashion pendants look like this spring? How to harmoniously complement your image with this accessory? Continue reading

Alternative wedding. A bit dark romance on the bright celebration of life
Traditions sometimes turn into patterns. Predictability has long been known millennial customs makes the celebration…


Gold as a material in the hands of a jeweler
Gold is a traditional material used by jewelers, as well as one of the few…


Who is now throwing the engagement rings?
The engagement rings of any design and cost tend to be solemnly offered, or plummeting…
