The diamond story of the slutty Madonna or what does the pop queen prefer?
The popular singer Madonna is known not only for her outrageous shows, but also for…

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To help busy brides: how to choose jewelry
The image of the bride is unthinkable without ornaments. They are skillfully selected, as nothing…

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How to decide on which finger to wear a ring?
The ring should always be amazing and unique, as it is something very personal. Receiving…


Puseta or what should be in the wardrobe of every lady?
Fashionable summer season continues its bright procession. Changeable trends are pleased with the constant novelties…

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Puseta or what should be in the wardrobe of every lady?
Fashionable summer season continues its bright procession. Changeable trends are pleased with the constant novelties…


golden keys

The key to the lady’s heart, or what are you doing this Sunday?

This spring it will be possible to meet on the streets a lot of ladies, on whose necks are shaped curly keys, studded with diamonds. Has the chastity belt come into fashion? Do not worry about it. Simply, golden keys have become one of the most fashionable accessories of this year.

This accessory is perfectly combined with the popular casual style, as well as with evening dresses and classic clothes. This adornment has a romantic and somewhat fabulous look, fanned by light mystery. It is noteworthy that this extraordinary accessory has very interesting sources. Continue reading

Scythian gold. Secrets of the ancient Slavs, or how did the jewelry industry develop?
The story is full of secrets and mysteries, many of them continue to be unanswered.…


Few diamonds or what can last longer than eternity?
An unknown hero once said that nothing can last longer than eternity. But what is…


The duality of unity. Set rings and historical trends
Much has already been said about ring sets. Now they can be seen on the…
