Wedding traditions and new jewelry makers
Each culture has its own wedding traditions. Wedding ceremonies have received much attention, since this…

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Which ring will suit a real lady?
Jewelry rings made of gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals have been and remain…

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What is going out when autumn comes?
Autumn in Ukraine promises to be warm, and looking at world podiums it becomes clear…


How to choose earrings?
The choice of a seemingly simple decoration should not be taken lightly. Well-chosen earrings can…

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Diamond sparkle or invasion of privacy
A wedding without wedding rings is like the absence of a bride. The selection of…


chosen product

Wedding ring, or wedding trends of the new spring

Wedding ring – a symbol of loyalty and eternal love. In the hearts of lovers, it speaks of infinite unity, in the minds of satirists grins: “How many I have fooled!” The tradition of wedding rings has existed for thousands of years. How did it come about and why did it remain unchanged?

Where this tradition originated is not known to humanity. Some historical sources claim that Greece is the birthplace of engagement rings, others say that the first engagement ring was given precisely in Ancient Egypt. Continue reading

How to choose gold earrings for little girls?

Who if not women know the whole essence of beauty and attractiveness. From a very young age, the girl wants to look like her mother, she takes her mother’s lipstick and paints them not only her lips, but also her dolls, toys, sometimes wallpaper and furniture. She wants to be as beautiful as her mother, and this is obvious. Earrings will not be an exception, your little one snares his hands to everything that glitters. Most likely, over time, you decide on such an important step as piercing the ears of your baby. Sometimes the earrings pierce the boys, but these cases are much less common. Continue reading

Gold pendants: fashionable style lessons

The onset of autumn has brought many new things. Innovation touched not only nature, but also wardrobes. Changed not only clothes, but also decorations for her. What did the autumn season have prepared for fashionistas and fashionistas? What jewels recommends autumn to decorate their outfits? How to combine fashionable news? In detail about this, our readers were explained by experts from the luxury salon of the DAIMOX jewelry salon. Continue reading

Trendy Earrings: Hot Season Hot Trends
The variety of styles of fashionable autumn and winter requires no fewer accessories. Earrings have…


Wedding ring, or wedding trends of the new spring
Wedding ring - a symbol of loyalty and eternal love. In the hearts of lovers,…


Versatility of Ukrainian weddings or what is national unity?
Ukraine can safely be called a multinational country. In fact, there are not many indigenous…
