Choosing earrings by type Kibby
The purchased dress has never been worn, and for the second year stylish brand-name trousers…

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Diamond memory. Striking history of imperishability
Sometimes, it seems that there is nothing eternal or imperishable. Over time, all that was…

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Indian wedding magic or everyone has their own quirks
The wedding traditions of western countries are almost the same, while Asia continues to amaze…


What is fashion lurking in?
Despite the fact that autumn has already arrived, her fashion continues to keep its secrets,…

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How to choose wedding rings?
The first notes about wedding rings take their origins from ancient Egypt. Wedding rings in…


remains the classic

Which ring will suit a real lady?

Jewelry rings made of gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals have been and remain an example of a perfect gift. How to choose a ring for ladies? When is the presence of stones in the ring appropriate, and in what cases is it better to get along with a simple decoration?
When choosing a ringlet, first of all it is necessary to decide on what occasion this gift is being presented. Based on this, it is already possible to choose the design of the ring itself. Continue reading

Stylish neck jewelry: how to combine a necklace with clothes
Follow the fashion and show individuality is not always possible. Modern clothes are quite the…


Gold as a material in the hands of a jeweler
Gold is a traditional material used by jewelers, as well as one of the few…


Gold ring with a diamond
A ring with a diamond is considered to be an adornment to be more feminine…
