Trendy Earrings: Hot Season Hot Trends
The variety of styles of fashionable autumn and winter requires no fewer accessories. Earrings have…

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Choosing earrings by type Kibby
The purchased dress has never been worn, and for the second year stylish brand-name trousers…

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Few diamonds or what can last longer than eternity?
An unknown hero once said that nothing can last longer than eternity. But what is…


Топ-10 оригинальных и нетрадиционных обручальных колец
We live in the 21st century, when typicalness and simplicity always remain fashionable. But more…

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The diamond story of the slutty Madonna or what does the pop queen prefer?
The popular singer Madonna is known not only for her outrageous shows, but also for…


brides hairstyles

Jewelry Facts

Every woman has favorite jewelry. Some ladies prefer expensive jewelry made of precious metals, others have whole chests of jewelry and get great pleasure from changing jewelry. Therefore, the interest of our dear ladies to various myths or facts about jewelry is always at a high level. There are myths that some people just accept as fact. We took some of the most popular jewelry myths, and debunked them. Can you say that it is real gold, biting it? Are diamonds really indestructible? If you’re interested, then continue. Continue reading

Lucy in the sky with diamonds or the story of a wedding dress

Lucy in the sky with diamonds – a favorite image of a hippie, sung by the legendary the Beatles. Nowadays, this phrase is not associated with intoxicating LSD, but with the beautiful appearance of the bride. How did he come about? When and why did brides begin to dress in such intricate, luxurious and magnificent dresses? Why is this trend still alive today? Continue reading

New daring autumn: how not to stay out of fashion?
Not only urban landscapes, but also the appearance of their inhabitants are gradually changing. Frivolous…


Scythian gold. Secrets of the ancient Slavs, or how did the jewelry industry develop?
The story is full of secrets and mysteries, many of them continue to be unanswered.…


George Clooney and brilliant shine in Venetian reflection
Every wedding of any person can leave a noticeable mark on history. The marriages of…
