Топ-10 оригинальных и нетрадиционных обручальных колец
We live in the 21st century, when typicalness and simplicity always remain fashionable. But more…

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Brilliant - use in jewelry
A diamond is a gem that does not require a separate presentation. Not everyone had…

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Scythian gold. Secrets of the ancient Slavs, or how did the jewelry industry develop?
The story is full of secrets and mysteries, many of them continue to be unanswered.…


Original engagement and unusual rings. How to proceed to the wedding?
Stand on your knee and stretch the lady ring - a simple and non-original way,…

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To help busy brides: how to choose jewelry
The image of the bride is unthinkable without ornaments. They are skillfully selected, as nothing…


high probability

Jewelry Facts

Every woman has favorite jewelry. Some ladies prefer expensive jewelry made of precious metals, others have whole chests of jewelry and get great pleasure from changing jewelry. Therefore, the interest of our dear ladies to various myths or facts about jewelry is always at a high level. There are myths that some people just accept as fact. We took some of the most popular jewelry myths, and debunked them. Can you say that it is real gold, biting it? Are diamonds really indestructible? If you’re interested, then continue. Continue reading

How to choose wedding rings?
The first notes about wedding rings take their origins from ancient Egypt. Wedding rings in…


Who is now throwing the engagement rings?
The engagement rings of any design and cost tend to be solemnly offered, or plummeting…


Puseta or what should be in the wardrobe of every lady?
Fashionable summer season continues its bright procession. Changeable trends are pleased with the constant novelties…
